Here are a collection of various items required for transforming your Windows XP to Mac OS X Leopard. Thank you lt;lt;lt; Version 0.1 Mac OS X Leopard Skin for Rocketdock - Transparent, takes the color of your background while keeping the original Apple wave design and dock effects. I have the windowblinds AND StyleXP Mac OSX Panther skins applied, but it didn't do anything to the scrollbar. It's just ugly classic Windows grey. Windowblinds was one of the first applications to skin Windows and is still one of the most popular. Want to use a Mac OS Skin for WindowBlinds and are not sure where to start? How to Customize Your Apple Laptop Skin; Themes for WindowBlinds; Mac Book Skin Types; What Are Some Good Ideas for Laptop Skins? Within the settings dialog, you have the option to set your skins to be “random”. You can have WindowBlinds change the skin every time you logon. Brought to you in 0.12 seconds [55] .: 2.7.2012 :. Network sites: • Wallpapers • MovieStation • BaseHead • Joke Station • PhotoVillage. The look of the Apple operating system Mac OS X can be recreated for Windows computers using WindowBlinds. Mac OS X Lion Skin Pack 4.0: Make Windows 7 look like Lion.

This is a Mac OS X Lion skin for Windowblinds 7, DOWNLOAD NOW AND ENJOY! My Mac OS X Tiger Desktop; The following is for Windowblinds themes made by me (Steve Grenier), skins made by other authors may differ. to install it, just drag the folder into ur skins folder of windowblinds. skin windowblinds free download - WindowBlinds 7.1: Customize Windows look and feel, and Mac OS X Theme 1.3 Description. The rumors are that Apple will refresh most of Mac lineup, introduce Joke Station • PhotoVillage. Use WindowBlinds to make Windows look like another operating system (Mac, Linux, etc.) or give it your own unique look and feel. Use WindowBlinds to make Windows look like another operating system (Mac, Linux, etc.) or give it your own unique look and feel. A WindowBlinds skin can make Windows look like an alternative start customizing Windows Vista to look like Mac OSX by downloading and installing a WB (WindowBlinds) skin. Mac OS X Theme 1.3: Mac OS X theme for WindowBlinds. Mac OS X Theme is a Mac-style visual Mac OS X Lion Skin Pack. Application Skins for WindowBlinds,Winamp,CursorXP,LogonStudioXP,Suites,XP BootSkins,ObjectDock,WebBlinds,DesktopX Widgets and wallpaper.